Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Architectural Images

As I was looking around my house I realized that everything has pattern if you focus. I chose these 2 photos of my doors and antique rack. These were 2 normal normal things in my house that I never really focused on but I looked closer and that they have great patterns. I also like the way that in both pictures there is emphasis from the lighting.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Photo Essay - Dog Show

This photo essay was a lot of fun considering I got to get up close to all of the dogs at the Dog Show at the Cow Palace. Instead of watching the dogs in the ring I went to the area where all of the trainers wait and rest with their dogs in between events. I was able to go up to the dogs to pet them, which helped with a better photo because if they knew I was going to better them they were looking at me, therefore looking at my camera. This helped me capture the cute and interesting facial expressions of all of the dogs.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Animated "flipbook"

This is essentially a photo flip book, but instead of actually flipping the pages i have created a series of 30 photos that run together in a video. These are pictures of me lighting a candle and you can see the lighter going up to the wick, lighting it, then the flame on the wick growing bigger. This really shows emphasis and each individual photo shows movement, so put together it is one smooth activity.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Artificial Blur

This was a photo i captured of my friend dancing on the beach but everything was so clear and I need the add artificial blur to a photo so I chose this one. I realized that I could make it look like everything around her was moving, and she wasn't. Even though she was the only thing moving. This photo shows movement and emphasis.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Head Shot of a Drama Student

During our portrait unit the drama class also needed their head shots taken so each photography student was paired up with a drama student. This was really goo practice for us because we got to have the experience of using a real set-up for a photo shoot. It was similar to the set-up for school portraits. We had to take a photo for four different expressions our actors had practiced in class. The end product had to be in black and white, showing a great display of value and emphasis.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Favorite Photoshop Edited Photo

This photo was originally simply a "circle" of black converse. I was with my friends one day, and we all realized we had the same shoes on so we took the photo. I later realized that it would look really cool to change the colors of the laces and of the toes on the shoes. I worked with the lasso and paint bucket tools on Photoshop to give this photo more pattern and shape.

My Favorite Photo

This was my first year playing water polo, and i greatly enjoyed it. That is how I came up with the idea to catch the ball right as it was landing in the water. I was also able to capture the feeling of movement, making it seem like this is simply a video paused. It also show color with the yellow ball against the blue water.

Imogen Cunningham

Imogen Cunningham was a great photographer, who was always able to photograph with amazing value and emphasis. In class we had to choose a famous female photographer to research and later take a photograph in their style. This is the photo that I took to recreate a Cunningham photograph.

environmental portrait

During our portrait unit I happened to go to a football game with a friend. She did not know that I was working on a project for photography so when I said smile for the picture she naturally made a funny face. I believe that it actually make the photo better though. This is because it shows that she is relaxed. She is at school with friends, where she normally is. This photo can show movement, in the way she is walking towards the camera and you can see the texture of her hair.

Self Portrait

Considering this was my first year ever playing water polo, I decided it would perfect to take my self portrait relating to water polo. This photo also turned out with great proportion and space. I am very proud of myself in this picture because although I had trouble with both a faulty tri-pod and a short timer I feel this is still a great photo.

Scanner Art

Not only can a picture be taken through a camera but another way is on a scanner. I simply placed some items on the scanner and scanned them into the computer together. The scan on top is simply some items that I wore to the rallies so far this year and bowl-a-thon. The items on the lower scan, are things associated with Breast Cancer. This was scanned mid-October (Breast Cancer Awareness Month). However the flower is not actually part of the scan. I added it after ward. This is another really cool part of scanner art. Most photos turn out with much unity and texture. I believe that mine have too.

Slow Shutter Speed Photo

This photo is simply what it seems. It is a photo of Mercy girls walking through the hallway. I was walking through the halls at Mercy and I had my camera set to a long shutter speed. I could have set s short shutter to simply capture the legs, instead of slight blurring to capture a sense of movement. Although this was not actually the photo I wanted. I was trying to take a picture of someone simply walking down the hall when the camera dropped a little. I was pretty bummed didn't get the photo I wanted. But I believe that this photo turned out with a better sense of movement and line than I had originally expected.

Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams is a quite famous photographer known for his nature photos of National Parks. This is simply a photo I took in his style. This photo shows unity and form. If you look close enough you can even see the spider on the upper left-hand side of the flower.